Wednesday, 28 March 2012

tiredness and schools stuff XOX

Sadly I am taking a 2 day break from the blogging world ... I am a very tired person lately and I have tons of school stuff to deal with before the holidays ...
Keep on blogging

Saturday, 24 March 2012

Hunger Games Books ...

I've obviously seen the hunger games movie coming out soon and I realised that its a trilogy of books that I actually havn't read yet ... So hopefully next weekend I will manage to get to the library to try and get them ... if not reserve them .. It's my next reading goal!

I rather like the concept of the storyline ... judging by what others have told me and the movie trailer .
Although This will be one movie that my parents will not be siting through with me because they seem not to like it as much as I do ahahaha! Oh well :)

(Next book review coming soon )

Monday, 19 March 2012


Hahaha Ohhhh Dear! I completly forgot about this blog ... But oh well I suppose I better get posting :)
Sorry For The Delay But Here Is My First Book Review:

Title: Chocolate S.O.S
Author: Sue Limb
(Link To Book In The Current Read Section In The Sidebar)

My first impression of this book was .... Oh Great! Another teenage romance novel ... I was Hoping That This One Became Unique As I read along ... but sadly that wasn't true !
"Not Since Georgia Nicolson Has A Character Made Me Giggle So Much" ~ Wonderous Read (Taken From The Back Of This Book)
Georgia Nicolson ... The classic funny teen girl who pretty much summarises what a typical teen goes through. But if people keep on trying to make clones of this character , there will be no funny/witty remarks because we would have heard them time and time again ...

This book was only funny in one paragraph and I felt very let down by Sue Limb because on the front cover of this book it says ...
"Laugh YourSelf Silly With Sue Limb"
I found this a brilliant boost to actually pic up the novel ... Hoping for a romantic comedy rather then a teenage love story ...

Overall: 6/10 ~ A tad boring and repetive but overall a relaxing book to read if you like the whole "Teenage Drama/Romance" scene ... Me Personaly have had enough of my own dramas , let alone reading about someone elses haha! :)


Sunday, 18 December 2011


Hello Everyone and welcome to The Little Library where I will be sharing my thoughts and feelings on every single book that  read ... and of course I will be sharing some otherr cool stuff with you guys aswell.

Here is a quick introducton to myself...
Name: Miss Lorna (Is what you can call me!)
Age: Do You Really Need To Know That???
Likes: Reading , writing , stationary and Tea!
Dislikes: Mushrooms , tomatoes , my laptop when it freezes , my singing voice!
Favorite book genre: I enjoy most genres but I would have to say that True Life stories and Horrors are my favorites!
Favorte Quote: When Life gives you a hundred reasons to cry , Show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile :)

What This Blog Will Include:

  1. Book Reviews
  2. Inspiring quotes
  3. Book related topics
  4. A Little Bit Of Poetry Perhaps?!
  5. Stuff that I find is cool and that I am sure you will find cool too! :)

Well I hope that this introduction has been a good one and I hope that it will leave you thinking about perhaps staring up your own blog? Or following mine! Either way ... it all sounds good to me!

Have a nice day everyone
Miss Lorna